Volunteer Opportunities
First off, a big thank you to all of the volunteers that have helped make every season of Chandler Girls Softball possible! This league would not exist without the contributions of our community.
CGSL has a number of volunteer opportunities for both players and parents. Our league is 100% run by volunteers, and we are always in need of additional help. We have opportunities that start at just a couple hours of your time. If you are interested in volunteering this season, please scroll through and take a look.
Thank you for considering volunteering with CGSL!

Light Volunteer
(Minimum of about 2 - 3 hours per season)
Every game day, we need a few volunteers to help with minor tasks around the fields relating to setup and cleanup, such as unlocking the restrooms, providing the code for players and parents that need it, and putting the bases away after the games are over.
Field Duty volunteers will never be alone at the field. You will always have at least one Board Member with you to provide support and handle any bigger issues that arise.
This is a perfect opportunity for high-schoolers that have volunteer hours they need to fulfill for their school. CGSL will provide an official Volunteer Hours slip signed by a board member after the shift is over. This is also a great starting point for any parent or former player that would like to get involved, but isn't sure how. If you're interested, send us an email by clicking the button below.
Medium Volunteer
(About 9 - 10 hours per week during the season)
Being a coach to our youth today is one of the most rewarding experiences we can have as adults, but we understand that for working parents, the idea of learning to coach can feel like too big of a task to fit on your plate.
CGSL is committed to supporting new coaches every step of the way with a coaches clinic before every season, an equipment bag with everything you could need, pitching and catching clinics for your players every week throughout the season, and a page on our site full of useful resources.
If you don't want to jump straight in as a head coach right away, you can start as an assistant and learn the ropes from someone that has been around a while and see if it is something you would like to do. If you are interested, click the button below to fill out a Coach registration form.
*Coaches and Assistant Coaches are required to complete a background check every season.

Commited Volunteer
Board members are the backbone of our league. This is an excellent opportunity to make sure the league is able to continue providing the valuable life lessons to our young Chandler girls that it has been providing since 1977.
Commitment time can vary depending on how many volunteers we have on the board. There are a few obligations to keep in mind when considering joining, such as regular board meetings throughout the year, Field Duty during the season, and any responsibilities you take on when you join (Website, Sponsors, Pictures, Equipment, etc).
To say thank you to our board members for their time and dedication, we do offer a few incentives, such as:
- Free registration for one of your daughters
- Placement of your daughter on the team of your choice (with certain exceptions)
- Annual Christmas party
- Plus, it looks great on a résumé!
We do need volunteers that are able to commit to the role. If you are interested, but feel like you need to 'test the waters' first, we invite you to come sit in on our next Board Meeting so you can meet the team in person and see if this is something that would be a good fit. Our meetings are open to the public and are typically held at Tumbleweed Rec Center. Feel free to e-mail us by clicking the link below to learn the details of our next Board meeting.